19 Oct 2011

Life drawing

Today's session was a little bit frustrating as I have been feeling my limitations in drawing coming to the fore gradually over time as the course progresses. I think the heart of it lies in my lack of practise of measurement, and my impatience. I know that I need to spend the time on the initial stages, and in order to do that I need to relax and become more comfortable with that stage. Working gesturally is my preferred method, and I need to find the harmony between gestural drawing and the more 'academic' notion of measurement.
Effectively unfinished, the lower half of the drawing is underdeveloped, but with attention to detail  increased in the top half of the drawing.

On the positive side however, I spent an inordinate amount of time on this piece working on the area of the face and tone of the skin, and so far it is probably my best rendition of this part of the models anatomy. The drawing still doesn't 'look like' the model as much as I would like, but it's steadily approaching that point.

Quick drawings with an eye to working tone around the shape of the figure, however for me there wasn't enough time available to really develop these drawings as much as I would like. On the whole I do not like these drawings.

More of an attempt at incorporating background into the composition, this is also one of the only drawings so far where I have successfully kept the whole model in frame and also kept proportions reasonably accurate as well. There is a great difficulty in avoiding 'stunting' the image, shortening or widing perspective beyond recognition.