21 Sept 2011

Life drawings

Similarly to last week, we began with quick exercises lasting a few minutes each, before moving on to new techniques. We were asked to try continuous line drawing, and then to try this with our ‘other’ hand, in my case my left hand. The purpose of this was to free ourselves from concerns of quality, fully expecting that these drawings would be technically inferior, but possibly more abstract and interesting because of the removal of the traditional means of approaching drawing.

These ideas were continued on into later drawings, but not as an absolute rule - we were able to pick which elements we wanted to draw from, with continuous line drawing as a starting point.

I had previously been avoiding using graphite as I did not find it allowed me the freedom of range that charcoal provides, however I decided to persevere and attempt to incorporate it. I found very quickly that graphite was very effective for drawing out early definition of shapes very lightly, allowing me to experiment before committing with charcoal in a more severe manner. I did find however that white chalk does not go over graphite very well at all and so I was thwarted when I tried to blend white chalk in with the graphite and charcoal, in the way I had mixed the previous week.

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